Remarkable Home with Acid Colours in Secluded Area

Bruce Bolander, an amazing architect from Malibu, California, designed this unique home named Beauvoir Residence in the middle of nature, using the surrounding hills as fortresses. The two storey home acts like a funnel: it captures the nature and brings it inside through glass walls that act like windows to a dreamy landscape. This is no ordinary home. It has panoramic views that can be enjoyed from almost any corner of the house, so the furniture had to make a statement as well. The interior design focuses mainly on shades of green, with strong splashes of colour that break the monotony. Acid green was used to give the kitchen a differentiated look from the rest of the house and the walls were painted in a cute baby blue colour as if this part of the house wanted to break all the rules. Some other acid green and baby blue decorative objects tie the downstairs design to the rest of the house. Modern lines used all throughout the house and the rectangular shape of the building consolidate the idea of man living in the middle of nature. Concrete, wood and glass form a contemporary look and feel. Surely this home can initiate two feelings: you either love it or hate it.

Beauvoir Residence
Beauvoir Residence
Beauvoir Residence
Beauvoir Residence
Beauvoir Residence
Beauvoir Residence
Beauvoir Residence
Beauvoir Residence
Beauvoir Residence
Beauvoir Residence
Beauvoir Residence
Beauvoir Residence
Beauvoir Residence
Beauvoir Residence
Beauvoir Residence
Beauvoir Residence
Beauvoir Residence
Beauvoir Residence
Beauvoir Residence
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