Minimalist Detail House by Jonek

This design surely has potent attraction to the lovers of the “minimal detail”: a renovation of an 80-year old multi-family house in Bielefeld, Germany: the main purpose is to keep the detail at a minimum while at the same time still preserving the visual identity of the building. It’s also a combination of an extensive energy-saving concept and aesthetic approach by integrating triple-glazed, open-able windows with no visible frames from the outside. The approach is basically total integration of many detail elements of the house such as flush-mounted doors camera, letterbox and the door handle. Even at first glance, the efficiency of the house is already apparent, nothing much is wasted and at the same time it’s compact, tidy, and fully functional. Here also available to detailed structural floorplan drawing block, so you can get the detail of the house layout and room organizing. Design by Jonek + Dressler Architekten

Minimalist Detail House
Minimalist Detail House
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