Practical Reading Furniture

Practical Reading Furniture Collection with Built in Storage Space

We’ve seen more and more designs lately concentrating on offering a perfect reading experience. From reading corners to small accessories that help the user achieve a high level of relaxation, it is really nice to see that efforts are being made to serve this “intellectual” aim. Today we would like to showcase an interesting looking reading furniture collection which features built-in storage space. The original set was created by Remy van Oers in association with Coolen/AttrackZ and was presented at Dutch Design Week.

It consists of three items: the Reading Chair, Lamp and Table. When they are placed together, they create a cozy and functional learning retreat. The built in storage space makes it possible for the user to hold all his books near by and access them easily, while the lamp emits a light that is perfect for reading.

Practical Reading Furniture Collection with Built in Storage Space

Practical Reading Furniture Collection with Built in Storage Space

Practical Reading Furniture Collection with Built in Storage Space
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