Moon Lounger

MoonLounger by Gerd Couckhuyt for Wildspirit

The Belgian manufacturer Wildspirit recently unveiled ‘Moonlounger’, designed by Gerd Couckhuyt – an upholstered low chair, which is reminiscent somewhat of some kind of avant-garde design from the 1950s. A particularly beautiful detail is the elaborate bending of the rear wooden legs. This replaces the stabilising, cross-connecting element that you would usually expect at seat level.

‘MoonLounger’ will be showcased at this year’s Interieur in Kortrijk from October 15th till 24th, Expo-hallen Kortrijk (B). Hall 4, Booth 450.

MoonLounger by Gerd Couckhuyt for Wildspirit

MoonLounger by Gerd Couckhuyt for Wildspirit

MoonLounger by Gerd Couckhuyt for Wildspirit

MoonLounger by Gerd Couckhuyt for Wildspirit
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