Feminine Chairs – Innocenza chair by Polsit

Feminine Chairs – Innocenza chair by PolsitHubba hubba, talk about some sexy furniture! This unusual chair by Polsit, called Innocenza, is anything but innocent! This artful chair was designed by artist Andrea De Benedict as part of the innovative Desart collection, which transforms original art into usable chairs and armchairs for the consumer with an elite sense of style. The Innocenza chair boasts sensual, feminine curves – front and back – and is finished with a lace-look detail that gives it its feminine appeal. If you enjoyed this unusual chair, the Desart collection will present more art-cum-armchair designs in the coming years from a roster of artists. For more information visit Polsit.

Feminine Chairs – Innocenza chair by Polsit
Feminine Chairs – Innocenza chair by Polsit
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