Luxury Master Bathroom Idea by Pearl

Luxury Master Bathroom Idea by Pearl
Today’s modern bathroom is much more than the utilitarian space it once was – and this luxury master bathroom idea by Pearl is something to strive for! Featuring a stunning drop-in bathtub and a built-in fireplace, no luxury has been spared in this elegant ensuite design. The Eterne drop-in bathtub makes a striking centerpiece in this sumptuous bathroom, complete with air therapy, hydrotherapy, heat therapy, chromatherapy and aromatherapy for your at-home spa. As you unwind in the bath and soak away the cares of the day, a fire flickers in the background by way of a gorgeous built-in fireplace, featuring warm natural wood and a cool, stainless steel firebox that’s open at either end, allowing you to enjoy the warmth and ambiance of a roaring fire from every angle. For more lavish bathroom ideas, visit Pearl Baths.

Luxury Master Bathroom Idea by Pearl
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