Unusual Radiators by Andrea - Karim Rashid

Unusual Radiators by Andrea Ramponi and Karim RashidMake your home a functionally fashionable place with these unusual radiators. The ultra-modern designer Dado radiator by Andrea Ramponi is a funky dice design, available in a black-and-white floor model that can be stacked vertically or aligned horizontally to suit your space. Or on a smaller but equally funky scale, the Kb8 radiator is a wall-mounted design ideal for condos or compact homes, featuring interlocking dice in cool metallic hues that are sure to heat up your home in more ways than one! The Rock and Roll radiator by Karim Rashid is another “hot” design, stacked and stunning! Available in a modern metallic finish or in a choice of contemporary colors, this designer radiator is an artful way to crank up the heat. For more information, visit id-ee.

Unusual Radiators by Andrea Ramponi and Karim Rashid
Unusual Radiators by Andrea Ramponi and Karim Rashid
Unusual Radiators by Andrea Ramponi and Karim Rashid
Unusual Radiators by Andrea Ramponi and Karim Rashid
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